Friday, April 24, 2015

Pin Worms

What Are Pin Worms?

Pin worms are another parasite. These parasites live in the digestive system of humans. Adult pin worms can grow up to about half an inch but their eggs are too small to see with the naked eye.

You get these worms from other people who have pin worms. The eggs can live on a variety of items throughout the home and can live for 2 to 3 weeks outside the body. The worms can get stuck in between your finger nails and then while you're eating can be transferred to your mouth and into the digestive system where the eggs hatch. The adult females will come out of the opposite end and lay eggs on or around the anus.

How Do I Know If My Child Has Pin Worms?

Symptoms for this include itching around the anus, which is usually worse at night because the worms are more active at this time. These worms pose no serious health threat. You may get a skin infection due to the scratching. You may also be able to see the worms in the toilet after a bowel movement. They are white and look like pieces of thread.

What Can I Do?

If you suspect your child has these pin worms take them to the doctor. Pin worms carry no diseases but are really annoying and can spread easily throughout the house if it is not treated. The doctor will prescribe you a medication and may have the whole family take just to be safe. Also you may want to wash sheets clothes and any other thing the infected person has come into contact with.

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