Thursday, February 26, 2015


Welcome back, today we are going to discuss something really poopy, well maybe not so much. Constipation is something that nearly everyone encounters at least some time in their life. For kids it can be harder to diagnose because children are not too concerned about regular bowel movements.

What Is Constipation?

Constipation, as defined by WebMD, occurs when bowel movements become difficult or less frequent. Common causes of constipation include a low fiber diet, repeatedly ignoring the urge to go, not drinking enough water, and lack of exercise. Another cause of this is a side effect from certain medication.

How Do I Know If My Child Is Constipated?

If your little one is complaining of pain when they are pooping it is more than likely constipation. If you're still changing diapers you know when your baby typically takes care of their business and you will notice a change in that habit. Other symptoms will include stomach pain, bloating, and bleeding with bowel movements. It's possible that your child can appear to have diarrhea while being constipated. This is due to softer more fluid like stool will pass around the hardened stool that is stuck inside.

What Can I Do?

There a few things you can do to help your child out with this condition. Under direction from your child's doctor you can use a stool softener. Many parents really don't use this method effectively. Either they give too small a dose or don't use the softener long enough. They will stop after the first normal bowel but the softenr needs to continue for up to a couple of weeks as directed by the doctor. Not continuing the softener will just set your child up for more constipation. Another thing you can do is to start incorporating diets high in fiber and fluid. Foods with high contents of fiber aid in the digestion process. The fluid while aiding in digestion will also help lubricate the entire dgestive systyem allowing for a more easily passed bowel. The third thing you can do to help is to set up a regular toilet time. Encourage your child to go first thing in the morning and have them try near meals. Setting up regular times for them to go will encourage them to go instead of resisting the urge to go and causing the constipation. The best way to get rid of and prevent constipation is by using a combination of the three methods listed above.

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