Thursday, April 23, 2015

Conjuctivitis (Pink Eye)

I have had a lot of requests to discuss pink eye. A lot of children do end up with pink eye because their hands are dirty and when they are tired they rub their eyes.

What Is Pink Eye (Conjuctivitis)?

Pink eye is the inflammation of the conjuctiva, or the membrane that covers the white part of your eye. This is caused by many different things. It could be a viral infection, bacterial infection, or even an allergic reaction. Or it could just be irritated due to getting soap dirt or other irritants in your eyes. Bacterial and viral pink eye can spread easily from person to person but is not a serious health risk. It is however in newborn babies as it could pose a risk to their eyesight.

How Do I Know If My Child Has Pink Eye?
Symptoms may differ depending on the cause but generally include the following; redness of the eye, increased tear production, thick yellow discharge that crusts over the eyelashes, usually after sleeping, itchy eyes, burning eyes, blurred vision, and increased sensitivity to light.

What Can I Do?

Treatment is dependent on the cause bacterial pink eye is treated with antibiotic ointments and eye drops and sometimes pill form. Viral pink eye will just run its course and usually no treatment is necessary. For pink eye cause by an irritant use plenty of water to rinse the eye. And for allergies, as soon as the allergen is removed or the allergy is treated the eyes should start returning to normal.

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